Error Prevention - during interaction modeling

One of the very important role of any UI expert to avoid or deal with mistaken or unsucceessful situations.
Some of these situations may be detected or predicted during interaction modeling.
here are the list of..

Passive Prevention: errors that are prevented by documentation or online instructions.

Active prevention: Errors that will be actively prevented by the system

Supported prevention: Situations which the system detects as being potential errors, but whose decision is left to the user.

Error Capture: Errors that are identified by the system and that should be notified to users

Supported error handling: errors that should be corrected by the user, with system support.

Rajesh R. Nair



The site is about the error prevention in a website, try to avoid them is much difficult. So it is safe first capture the error and rectify them properly. Generally, passive and active preventions are famous for every website. Thanks a lot.