Text to Image [html + CSS + javascript] typeface.neocracy]

Great news for web developers and designers. We have been facing problem in FONT compatibility with browsers. For getting render any TRUE TYPE FONTS[License] on browser, client should have font installed on system.

There is solution for this, developer can go for Flash or Image base mechanism. In this case we need designer's help|expertise to create.... k lets come to the point

Now there is solution, got this information from Google Forum.. looks great

This is Javascript based solution,
What it does ?
Instead of creating images or using flash just to show your site's graphic text in the font you want, you can use
typeface.js and write in plain HTML and CSS, just as if your visitors had the font installed locally. This is a work in progress, but functional enough at least to render the the graphic text on this site.

Steps need to follow
Here's what it takes to get going:
1. Load the typeface.js library
2. Typeface.js fonts .......then proceed like normal:

Here u go ---- Click Here



To create animations using web standards like html5, css 3 and javascript requires writing code. That is fine for programmers who love nothing more than the blank space of a new document in their favorite text editor but it’s a problem for designers accustomed to the visual, drag-and-drop workflow of animation apps like flash. Thanks a lot.